Practical Information
What is ‘Oral Contraception’ (birth control pills)?
I take a specific brand of contraceptive pill. Will a different brand work the same way?
Is it safe to use oral contraceptives without a doctor’s exam?
Combined pill
How does the combined pill work?
When can I start taking the combined pill?
How do I use the combined pill?
What if I miss one or more combined pills?
What if I vomit or have diarrhea after taking the combined pill?
What medicines can affect the efficacy of the COC pill?
What are the advantages of the combined pill?
What are the disadvantages of the combined pill?
What are possible side-effects of the combined pill?
What are health reasons (contra-indications) that indicate a woman should not take combined pills ?
When can I get pregnant after using combined pills?
Progestin only pill
How does the progestin only pill work?
How should I take a progestin only pill?
When can I start the progestin only pill?
What if I miss a progestin only pill?
What if I vomit or have diarrhea after taking the progestin only pill?
What medicines can affect the efficacy of the progestin pill?
What are the advantages of the progestin only pill?
What are the disadvantages of the progestin only pill?
What are the side-effects of the progestin only pill?
What are the contra-indications to using the progestin only pill?
When can I get pregnant after using progestin only pills?
Emergency contraception
What is Emergency Contraception (EC, the Morning After Pill)?
How does Progestin Only emergency contraception work?
How should I take emergency contraception?
Why should I obtain emergency contraception before I need it?
What are the advantages of emergency contraception?