How do I know if something is wrong?


Complications after an abortion with pills are very rare and are exactly the same as those of a spontaneous miscarriage.

Signs of complication are:

  • Severe pain in the belly that isn’t relieved with painkillers or continues for days after taking the pills
  • Fever over 38º for more than 24 hours, or that reaches 39º for any amount of time
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge – discharge with a strong unpleasant smell or unusual (yellow or greenish) color
  • Severe bleeding (more than 2 or 3 menstrual pads filled every hour for more than 2 hours in a row)

The risk of complications such as infection or incomplete abortion is low (about 1-2 people in every 100), and the risk of severe bleeding is extremely low (1 in every 2000). However, to make the process as safe as possible, it is important to always make a plan for how to seek help if needed.