blood is Rh-


Blood type does not affect the effectiveness of abortion pills, and in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, carrying a pregnancy of an Rh+ fetus will not affect future pregnancies.

In the second or third trimester of pregnancy of a person with Rh- blood, there may be the possibility of the fetus’ blood potentially entering the bloodstream of the pregnant person which can cause the immune system to produce antibodies which could cause a problem in a future pregnancy. The immunoglobulin injection stops that from happening, if it is taken in the first 72 hours following an abortion or miscarriage.

There is no clear data after 12 weeks of pregnancy, at what point it is best to get an injection of Rho(D) immune globulin after an abortion in the case of an Rh- blood type. It is only necessary if the person having an abortion wishes to get pregnant and have children in the future. If it is not possible to get the injection, it is possible to get treated during the next pregnancy. 38, 39