Do I need surgical procedure if there are still remains in the uterus after the abortion?


Abortion is a process, and every experience is different. The uterus expels the blood and tissue over the course of days or weeks. In some countries, doctors are not trained in newest methods of abortion or miscarriage treatment, and may advise to complete the abortion or miscarriage with surgical procedure. It is not necessary or recommended to do any additional procedure if the process went well and there is no complication, even if some blood and tissues remain in the uterus. Sharp curettage is never a recommended method and should be avoided. If there is a complication, an extra dose of misoprostol (2 pills under the tongue in the first 12 weeks, and repeated dose of 2 pills under the tongue every 3 hours for longer pregnancies) is the easiest way to help the uterus expel the tissue, or the uterus can be emptied with a vacuum aspiration.