

  • had one or more abortions before

    Everybody can have as many abortions as they need. Even if someone has used the pills one or more times previously 続きを読む »

  • 薬による中絶とは?

    薬による中絶〔人工流産〕では、複数の錠剤を服用することで妊娠を終わらせます。安全で成功率も高い推奨方法は次の2つです。 続きを読む »

  • ミソプロストールはどのように服用するの?

    ここでは、妊娠 12 週( 84 日)までの服用のしかたを示します。ここに示すのは 世界保健機関 ( WHO )が推奨している方法です。妊娠 12 週を超えると、合併症のリスクは高まり、薬の服用方法も変わります。 1 女性一人につき… 続きを読む »

  • body weight

    People of all body types and weight can use abortion pills, and there is no need to adjust the dosage based on weight. 続きを読む »

  • breastfeeding

    Abortion pills can be taken while breastfeeding. Very small amounts misoprostol can end up in the milk, but they will… 続きを読む »

  • previous Caesarean section

    The abortion pills can be taken by people who have had a caesarean section in the past. 46 続きを読む »

  • a physical disability

    Abortion with pills is safe for people living with physical disabilities. Every person should plan for their abortion… 続きを読む »

  • blood is Rh-

    Blood type does not affect the effectiveness of abortion pills, and in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, carrying a… 続きを読む »

  • multiple (twin) pregnancy

    Abortion pills work just the same in a multiple pregnancy at the early stages. There is no need to change the dosage. 40 続きを読む »

  • How many abortions can I safely have in my life? Does having abortions affect future pregnancies?

    As many as needed. There is no limit to the number of times abortion pills can be used during a lifetime. The medicines… 続きを読む »

  • Is it normal that I am producing milk?

    Sometimes a bit of milk may start to come out from the breasts after an abortion or miscarriage. It is suggested to:… 続きを読む »

  • When can I start using contraceptives?

    Hormonal or barrier methods of contraception can be started right away, the day that the mifepristone or misoprostol… 続きを読む »

  • Will I be able to get pregnant again? How soon?

    The pills have no long lasting negative effect on the ability to get pregnant. It is possible to become pregnant right… 続きを読む »

  • Can I swim or take a bath?

    It is recommended to wait a few days before swimming or taking a bath in order to avoid increasing the chance of… 続きを読む »

  • Can I use tampons or menstrual cups?

    During and after the abortion it is advised to use pads instead of tampons or cups to measure how much blood is coming… 続きを読む »

  • When can I have sex again?

    There is no evidence to suggest that it is necessary to wait a specific amount of time before having sex or putting… 続きを読む »

  • When will I get my first period after taking abortion pills?

    The first menstrual period will usually come in about 4-6 weeks, but it can take up to 8 weeks or even longer. 続きを読む »

  • When will the pregnancy symptoms disappear?

    Most typical symptoms of a pregnancy (such as nausea, fluctuations in appetite, fatigue) disappear immediately after an… 続きを読む »

  • When can I go back to work / resume normal activities?

    Most people feel able to return to their regular activities the day after the abortion. 続きを読む »

  • How should I expect to feel after an abortion?

    After an abortion it is the most common to feel an emotional and physical sense of relief. 続きを読む »