What is ‘Oral Contraception’ (birth control pills)?
A birth control pill (oral contraception) is a pill that is taken every day time and is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. There are two types of birth control pills. One is a combined pill (COC), which has estrogen and progestin. The other is a progestin only pill (POP). The most popular pill is the combined pill (COC). If a woman has medical reasons why she cannot take the combined pill, she might be advised to use the progestin-only pill (POP).
combined pill
progestin only pill
What is the ‘combined pill’?
The combined pill, which may also be called ‘the pill’ or ‘combined oral contraceptives’ or ‘COC’ contains two hormones: estrogen and progestin. These are hormones that are similar to the natural hormones found in women’s bodies. The combined pill is also available as a ‘low-dose’ pill. The… 続きを読む »
What is progestin only pill?
The progestin only pill (also called the “minipill”, POP and progestin-only contraceptive) contains very low doses of a progestin that is like the natural hormone progesterone in a woman’s body. Progestion only pills can be composed either of norethisterone, levonorgestrel, etynodiol diacetate or… 続きを読む »