

  • How do I know the abortion happened?

    Most people can feel that the pregnancy has ended because the symptoms of pregnancy (eg. nausea, fatigue, mood changes… 続きを読む »

  • Will the abortion pills harm the fetus if the pregnancy continues?

    Mifepristone has not been shown to have any negative effects on the fetus. Misoprostol however might affect the… 続きを読む »

  • What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction to the pills?

    Allergic reactions to the pills are very rare and mild, and include itching or swelling after taking the pills. If the… 続きを読む »

  • How do I recognize if have an infection?

    The risk of infection after using abortion pills is very low (about 1%). Although infections are very uncommon, it is… 続きを読む »

  • Should I use antibiotics?

    It is not necessary to use antibiotics to prevent an infection, because the risk of infection is extremely low. 続きを読む »

  • Will a doctor know that I used abortion pills?

    Abortion medicines cannot be detected in the blood or any bodily fluids within a few hours after use and there is no… 続きを読む »

  • Do I need surgical procedure if there are still remains in the uterus after the abortion?

    Abortion is a process, and every experience is different. The uterus expels the blood and tissue over the course of… 続きを読む »

  • Do I need an ultrasound or check-up after the abortion?

    It is not necessary or recommended to have an ultrasound, if the process went well and there is no complication. An… 続きを読む »

  • What if I do not bleed after taking misoprostol?

    If there is no bleeding, the abortion was not successful. The bleeding usually starts about 1-5 hours after using the… 続きを読む »

  • How much blood is too much?

    It is important to measure the bleeding with sanitary (menstrual) pads. Bleeding that fills 2 menstrual pads per hour… 続きを読む »

  • What should I do if the pregnancy continues after I took the pills?

    The use of abortion pills can be repeated. 続きを読む »

  • What should I do in case of a complication or emergency?

    If something feels wrong, or the pain or bleeding seem too strong, it is important to seek medical help. 続きを読む »

  • How do I know if something is wrong?

    Complications after an abortion with pills are very rare and are exactly the same as those of a spontaneous miscarriage. 続きを読む »

  • What should I expect to see?

    What comes out of the uterus depends on pregnancy length. 続きを読む »

  • What are the side effects of the pills?

    Mifepristone generally does not cause noticeable side effects, though some people may experience mild nausea, dizziness 続きを読む »

  • How strong will the pain be? Can I use painkillers?

    The pain and cramping that are part of the abortion process are very different in each experience. The pain can be… 続きを読む »

  • When will I start bleeding and what will it look like?

    The first pill – mifepristone – usually does not cause bleeding, though some people experience light spotting. 続きを読む »

  • Can I use abortion pills after 12 weeks of pregnancy?

    Abortion pills can also be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy. The chances of complications increase with the length of… 続きを読む »

  • What if I use less misoprostol pills or don’t use pills in the recommended way?

    The information that is given on this website the latest, updated information about the most effective way to use the… 続きを読む »

  • Are the pills more effective if they are used after 7 weeks of pregnancy?

    There is a myth that abortion pills are less effective before the 7th week of pregnancy – that is not true, the pills… 続きを読む »