

  • Are there medicines that can ¨stop¨ the abortion at any point?

    There are a lot of myths about doctors being able to give medicines that will stop the abortion, that but they are not… 続きを読む »

  • What happens if I decide not to take misoprostol after I have already taken mifepristone?

    It is likely that mifepristone alone will end an early pregnancy and cause a miscarriage or a missed miscarriage (when… 続きを読む »

  • What if I am not pregnant but take the pills anyway?

    Taking abortion pills while not pregnant is not harmful. The pills may cause the usual side effects, such as nausea 続きを読む »

  • Can I smoke cigarettes or weed / marijuana or drink alcohol while taking the pills?

    Cigarettes do not affect the abortion process. During and after the use of abortion pills, it is important to be ready… 続きを読む »

  • Can I eat or drink while taking the pills?

    It's fine to eat and drink normally while using abortion pills, except during the time that misoprostol is being held… 続きを読む »

  • What if I throw up after taking the pills?

    Mifepristone is absorbed in the digestive system in about 1.5 hours. There is no need to worry if the vomiting happens… 続きを読む »

  • What is the difference between using misoprostol under the tongue, in the cheek, and vaginally?

    For abortion, misoprostol is best absorbed through a mucous membrane, whether it is in the mouth or in the vagina. The… 続きを読む »

  • What if I do not take misoprostol exactly 24 hours after mifepristone – can I take it earlier or later?

    Misoprostol does not have to be used exactly 24 hours after taking the mifepristone. It is most recommended to take the… 続きを読む »

  • What kinds of pills can be used for abortion?

    There are two recommended medications for abortion - mifepristone and misoprostol. 続きを読む »

  • How should I take the pills if I only have misoprostol?

    Until 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to have at least 12 pills of misoprostol (2400mcg in total). It can be… 続きを読む »

  • How should I take the pills if I have mifepristone and misoprostol?

    Until 10 weeks of pregnancy, 1 pill of mifepristone (200 mg) and 4 pills of misoprostol (800 mcg in total) are needed. 続きを読む »

  • How can blood pregnancy tests (hCG tests) be used to check the length of pregnancy or the success of an abortion?

    Human chorionic gonatropin (hCG), often called the “pregnancy hormone”, is a hormone that body produces in large… 続きを読む »

  • a transgender or non-binary person

    People of diverse gender identities have abortions. Every person with a uterus can use abortion pills. Having an… 続きを読む »

  • HIV+

    Abortion pills can be safely used by people living with HIV. People living with HIV may be at higher risk of infection… 続きを読む »

  • very young or older

    There is no age limit to having an abortion. The abortion pills will work exactly the same for a pregnant person of any… 続きを読む »

  • What are the situations / conditions that are NOT a problem for taking the pills?

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  • What is an ectopic pregnancy and should I be worried about this?

    Abortion pills do not treat or cause ectopic pregnancies. 続きを読む »

  • What if I have an IUD (contraceptive device inside the uterus)?

    Using abortion pills while having an IUD in the uterus raises the chances of having a complication. 続きを読む »

  • Are there any medical conditions that mean I shouldn’t have an abortion with pills?

    There are very few medical conditions that are contraindications to abortion with pills and those conditions are very… 続きを読む »

  • How can I prepare myself for the abortion?

    It is helpful to make a plan for the abortion and to know what will be needed during the process. 続きを読む »