How to use misoprostol for safe abortion before 12 weeks of pregnancy?


Until 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman needs a total of 2400 mcg of misoprostol.

She needs: 12 pills of 200 micrograms each (or 24 pills of 100 micrograms each)

3 doses of pills need to be taken, 800 mcg each time.

Step 1- A woman should put 4 pills of 200 mcgs (or 8 pills of 100 mcgs) misoprostol under the tongue. The pills should stay for at least 30 minutes, or until the tablets are dissolved! She can swallow her saliva, but NOT the pills.  After 30 minutes it is ok to swallow what remains of the pills. 

Step 2- After 3 hours she should repeat: put another 4 pills of 200 mcgs (or 8 pills of 100 mcgs) misoprostol under the tongue. The pills should stay for at least 30 minutes, or until the tablets are dissolved.

Step 3- After 3 hours she should take the last 4 pills of 200 mcgs (or 8 pills of 100 mcgs) under the tongue again for a third time. The pills should stay for at least 30 minutes, or until the tablets are dissolved.

In between the doses of misoprostol, one can eat and drink normally. Do not drink alcohol, as it is important to pay attention to what is happening.

The success rate is approximately 85%.

This means that 8 to 9 women of every 10 women who use misoprostol correctly will have a safe abortion using this procedure.

** If a woman is using mifepristone plus misoprostol, the pills are used differently. Please click here.

misoprostol instructions eng/us LL 1

WHW Safe Abortion with Misoprostol ENGLISH2.pdf